Helps protect against cavities.
Fights germs.
Maintains oral hygiene.
Useful in improving hot-cold sensation, gingivitis, toothache.
Improves bad breath.
Provides relief from spongy and bleeding gums.
पुदीना (Mentha piperita) Ap. Ark 3000 mg, अजवाइन (Trachyspermum ammi) Fr. Sat 75 mg, कपूर (Cinnamomum camphora) St. Sat 75 mg, वज्रदन्ती (Barleria prionitis) Wp. Ext. 10 mg, हल्दी (Curcuma longa) Rz. Ext. 10 mg, विडंग (Embelia ribes) Fr./Sd. Ext. 10 mg, नीम (Azadirachta indica) Bk./St. Ext. 5 mg, बबूल (Acacia arabica) Bk./St. Ext. 5 mg, लौंग (Syzygium aromaticum) Fl. Bd. Oil 10 mg, तोमर (Zanthoxylum alatum) Sd. Oil 10 mg, कलमीशोरा 2500 mg, स्फटिक भस्म पाउडर 100 mg.
To be used in the morning & before bed time with a soft toothbrush or as directed by dentist / physician. Children 6 years or below, use only a pea-sized amount under adult supervision. Do not swallow. Spit and rinse thoroughly after brushing
Best before 24 months from manufacturing date.